As you are aware, these are very difficult times and the Coronavirus pandemic has caused us to change some of our office procedures. Below are some of the changes you will notice:
- We will ask you some questions about your health, such as whether you have experienced any symptoms of respiratory illness. Symptoms would include body aches, sore throat, cough and fever.
- We will ask, when possible, that you come to your appointment alone. We cannot currently accommodate any other individuals aside those who are absolutely necessary for the patients’ care. We ask that drivers remain outside the office if possible.
- We will ask that all individuals coming into our office wear either a mask or face covering that covers both their mouth and nose.
- We will make every effort to maintain appropriate social distancing.
- Once in the office, we will take your temperature and if it is over 100.3, we will ask you to reschedule after 14 days of self-isolation.
- We will ask you to use hand sanitizer as you enter the office.
Thank you for your participation in these new procedures. Our goal is to maintain the continued health and safety of our staff and patients.